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Win a hair styling docking station

1 prize to be won!

Elevate your hairstyling routine to a whole new level of convenience and sophistication with the Minky Premium Styling Dock Hair Station. Designed to be your personal hairstyling hub, this innovative product seamlessly combines functionality, elegance, and organization to revolutionize the way you care for your hair.


The Minky Premium Styling Dock boasts a contemporary and stylish design that effortlessly complements any interior decor. Its clean lines and high-quality materials make it a standout addition to any bedroom, bathroom, or salon. This hair station is equipped with purpose-built compartments to accommodate a range of hairstyling tools. The spacious main compartment securely holds your hairdryer, curling iron, or straightener, while smaller slots and pockets neatly store brushes, combs, clips, and other accessories.

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 18/08/2025.


Minky Premium Styling Dock Hair Station x1